Manda Leigh

She/Her, 33
Fangirl, Cosplayer, Fic Writer
Multifandom | Multiship
Before You Follow
My account is a mix of personal and fandom content. I try to keep things sfw, but there is a chance of nsfw+ content.I am multifandom (current faves will be more prevelant), multiship, & proship (meaning I don't care if/how you ship - You do you).While not politically focused, you may see posts related to US politics.If you need anything tagged or warned for, just let me know.Back
Fandoms include, but are not limited to:
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
D&D / EXU / Critical Role
Hades Game
Stardew Valley
Animal Crossing
Pokemon Go
Daiya no Ace
Books & Reading
Cosplay & Crafting
Watercolor Painting
More, I'm sure